I take this picture from Vista Wallpaper
As usually I use Corel Draw 09.
Bitmaps (alt+B) > Creative (V) > Vortex... (X) >
Style: Layered
Size: 25
Inner Direction: 184
Outer Direction: 183

I know this girl is from chatting @Dalnet
As usually I chatting and ask her friendster
She is from Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
She is still in junior high shcool

Composition Design;

I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0 with specification;
1. Creat New Layer = For duplicating picture. I copy to make two picture
2. Lasson Tool (L) = For making line in aaround picture
3. Ctrl + J = Deletting edge's picture
4. Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow... = Giving effect shadow to Lasson Tool (L)